A Revolutionary Act

I invite you to the revolutionary act of creating art by observing, engaging, and participating in the world around you. Experience it and be inspired to create something beautiful. For some, it will be an inward act of love. For others, outward. Sometimes, it’s both.

I love to create spaces, literally and figuratively, that allow all people to be fed emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically, placing community and food at the center. I am not an artist who is great with a pencil or paintbrush. My mind works a bit differently. I can see layers and layers and a million processes all at once that bring people together to do magical things for each other. That’s my artistic superpower. What’s yours? We all have the ability to create art. Sometimes we just need a little help learning how to connect with those parts of our body and brain.

Are you still determining your artistic superpower, but you have a longing to be a part of something bigger than yourself? Are you aware that the past has so much to teach us, and the future is waiting for us to make decisions now that allow us to be present and thrive for years to come? Are you craving the ability to get grounded and really listen to your intuition?

I learned that if I approach something new with a sense of curiosity, and a commitment to observe and listen intently, my heart swells, and I have to find an outlet for my newfound discoveries that suddenly bring me so much joy. Often I dance it out. Dance has been a part of my life since I was a child, and it is so fun to match movement to feelings. Other times, I have to scribble down ideas flooding in for activities, programs, and connection opportunities to offer to my community after spending just a few minutes outside taking in nature’s lessons. 

Thanks to the generosity of regenerative-minded Tom and Ellie Lawrence, I have taken a lifetime of creative ideas and started to bring them to life. Many years of observing and facilitating how children learn best, paired with observations and connections with nature, have added to my growing knowledge of raising and growing nutrient-dense food from healthy soil. This has led to the launch of a regenerative educational ranch focused on creating healthy communities.

The ranch is the canvas with an incredible core team of artists. Our team practices a habit of daily gratitude that spills over into what each person contributes to the whole. For example, our farm operations manager’s artistry shows up in the garden's beautiful rows of fruits and vegetables and the care she takes in providing plentiful spaces for wildlife to thrive. Our farm chef allows us to experience a flavor explosion as he whips together new ideas from inspiration on foraging journeys around the land. Each team member leans into their artistry, and it shows. 

As our ranch artists create pathways that honor nature, we feed our community food and knowledge through educational programs for all ages. The year 2023 is a BIG year for us, and we look forward to connecting with all the fabulous people who are excited to join us on this journey. That’s YOU!

Thinking of a revolutionary act as creating a fundamental change is an invitation to step outside the status quo, learn to ground ourselves, and listen to what we need, individually and as a community. Like a painter’s canvas often accompanies drips of paint on the floor, ranch life is messy. Both are colorful, beautiful works of art. Sometimes we pause, take a step back, reflect, and make adjustments before creating again. 

Is your artistic side calling you to get messy and create with us? We have many opportunities coming soon to get involved, including classes, camps, tours, and volunteering, as well as teaching and leading children and families on how to get involved in the regeneration movement. Reach out and connect with us today! We can’t wait to meet you!

Amy Milliron photo signature

Love Grows Here