Food Is Everywhere
I cannot tell you how much pleasure I’ve taken in helping Jana, the Farm Operations Manager, bring her vision to life. My days are overflowing with gratifying work doing what we can to make the world a better place. So far this season, we’ve planted tomatoes, tomatillos, cucumbers, eggplant, flowers, peas, several types of berries, and many other things. And while I impatiently wait for these to grow, and when no one is looking, I sneak out into the fields to investigate the wild side of things.
Food is everywhere here at Deeply Rooted Ranch and I’ve really enjoyed the opportunity to explore this picturesque landscape. The biodiversity here is something to behold and foraging has become a huge staple for me. Now if you’re looking for real foraging expertise, seek out The Black Forager. I’m just a nerd who enjoys finding new things I can chew on. Some of my favorites that I’ve found so far include prickly ash, dewberries, curly dock, hack berries, wild celery, hen bit, wild garlic, and an endless sea of flowers.
I look forward to merging the things that Jana is planting intentionally with the incidental things that nature has generously provided. It’s important to show people that regenerative agriculture benefits the entire property and place, not just the handful of things we’ve planted. For every one plant we put in the ground, there are 1,000 already established here, after all.
People who visit us at the ranch will know what is possible with food, whether we grew it or not.
~Chris Huffman
Culinary Director at Deeply Rooted Ranch